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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
This information is being provided to you to consider having this test as an optional extra (cost).  My preferred method is to discuss this test with you on the day of your appointment & arrange (provide referral) to have it performed at a later date. It is a separate cost borne by you (unless you prearrange for your company to pay). To have it performed on the same day as your Exec Health Check usually requires 2-3 weeks advance booking (I will not refer you this way, without seeing you, if you are under 45 years of age)

Coronary artery disease is the major cause of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death if left undetected and untreated. Coronary artery disease is responsible for 22% of all deaths in Australia each year, often suddenly and without prior warning. Many of the deaths from coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by early detection and treatment.

It is possible to have a Normal Exercise ECG test result and still have significant cholesterol plaque accumulation in one’s arteries, which is not yet significantly narrowing the artery.
A Targeted CT Heart Scan rapidly and accurately detects Coronary Artery Calcified cholesterol plaque and is a more reliable predictor of coronary events than any other current screening test. The total amount is given as a Coronary Artery Calcium Score, which is an accurate guide to the degree of disease and hence the degree of risk. Your calcium score is closely related to the degree of fat/cholesterol build up in your coronary arteries. The higher the score, the higher the risk of future heart attack. It is the detection of sub-clinical atherosclerosis (yet to be symptomatic hardening of the arteries). The CT Coronary Angiogram at SAN Radiology (Dual source CT scan) goes one step further and is able to visualise with great accuracy the degree of narrowing (if any) within a coronary artery. It detects both calcified and non-calcified (soft) cholesterol plaques in the wall of the coronary arteries. This scanner  provides the necessary evidence for further more invasive testing and treatment by a Cardiologist.

 This score/result may prove to be the single most important fact to know about your heart health. This test is very fast and only requires the injection of a small amount of intravenous contrast at the elbow. (same “discomfort” as having a blood test) and a breath-hold of 15-20 secs. X-radiation exposure is now very minimal (equivalent to 2-3 return flights Sydney to London).

@@color(red):Preparation for your appointment@@
• Doctor will provide you with a referral to San Radiology after discussion following your Health Assessment. Phone 9487 9840 for an appointment. If Doctor agrees to having the CT scan on the same day as your EHC, ensure it is either 1.5 hours before (preferred) or 2.5 hours after your appointment time with me at Exec Health Check.
• You are required to fast for 4 hours prior to the scan. Also No Viagara/Cialis/Levitra for 5 days prior.
• You do not require any special clothing (you do for EHC - shorts, T-shirt, joggers, towel)
• My preferred method is to complete the EHC first, then I will discuss with you the need for the Heart Scan, according to all your results/risk factors. If deemed desirable/necessary, I will then provide you with the referral, you then book in for the scan, and then see me at FVMC 1 week later (at 5.30pm) to discuss the results in depth, and the necessary steps/treatment that might be needed.

@@color(red):About your appointment@@
• Please take the San Radiology referral form with you and hand to reception (if performing CT scan on same day as EHC, the referral will be forwarded by us to SAN Radiology, Level 3, Sydney Adventist Hospitals Main Building).
• Please allow approximately 1 hour for your appointment
• You will be greeted on arrival and asked to complete appropriate forms 

• The results of the test will be explained to you when you re-attend Fox Valley Medical Centre 1 week later as instructed by your referring Doctor. Recommendations and suggestions for treatment and lifestyle changes will be given where necessary. 
• This test is provided as an assessment & screening service. We advise that it is your responsibility to follow up with your medical practitioner any suggestions and recommendations given during this assessment. 

• You will receive a written report and all films & pictures produced, at the follow-up appointment 1 week later (ring 9487 9700 to make this appointment for a Monday or Thursday 5.30pm once you have performed the scan)
• You are required to make payment to SAN Radiology at this appointment of approx. $825. There is currently no Medicare rebate for this test (writing a letter of protest to your local Federal MP and Fed Health Minister may help change this situation). The re-attendance at FVMC one week later attracts a separate GP consultation cost (with standard Medicare rebates applying for Item 36, 20+ minute consultation)

Next link [[Dr John Trani]]

Executive Health Checks (in Fox Valley Medical Centre)
187 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2076
Ph +61 2 9487 9700
FX +61 2 9487 9733 
[[Email|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]] us
www [[Executive Health Checks|http://www.ehc.org.au]]

Where are we?? Approx 22kms north of the Sydney CBD, just 2km off the Pacific Hwy, Wahroonga and 4kms South of Hornsby, adjacent to Comenarra Parkway. See Gregorys Map 221, H14)

Please look at the next "close up" map for parking information.
[[Close up Map|http://www.trani.com.au/map.pdf]] We are at F9 on this map

Dr John Trani can be emailed on [[Dr John Trani|mailto:health@trani.com.au]] 
Executive Health Checks Clinic on [[Executive Health Checks|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]]

Next link [[Welcome Clients]]

Please click [[HERE|http://www.ehc.org.au]] for the latest information
[[Welcome]] [[Cost of Assessments]] [[Dr John Trani]]
__Dr John Trani__
//Senior Medical Consultant MBBS; FRACGP//

Dr John Trani’s professional medical career began after graduating from the University of Sydney in 1988. He accepted a role as medical resident at Gosford Hospital on the NSW Central Coast and later at Royal North Shore Hospital where he gained training as Cardiology Registrar.

He later became a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, running a full-time general practice as well as medical consultant for several cardiology practices performing maximal Exercise ECG/Stress Testing. 

Dr Trani commenced consulting at Executive Health Checks at FVMC (formerly SAN Centre for Health) in 2000 and is available Monday and Thursday. He brings particular expertise in lifestyle management and risk reduction to his patients. He also continues to work in part-time General Practice at Fox Valley Medical Centre (187 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga) with special interest in Preventative Medicine, Men’s Health and Cardiology. He is available for General Practice consults on occasional Sunday mornings (8.30am-12.30pm) on (02) 9487 9700.
Further details regarding appointment times, costs, cancellation fees policy, etc for EHC is available [[here|http://www.ehc.org.au]]

Next link [[Contact Us]]

Our @@color(red):EXEC CHECK@@ for men is our “top of the line” full medical 
check-up with a comprehensive fitness and lifestyle assessment, all up taking approx. 2 hours

It includes:
• Complete and thorough physical examination and consultation with a medical practitioner
• Personal health history incorporating completed questionnaire
• Height & weight measurements and BMI calculations plus waist and hip measurements/ratio
• Electronic body fat measurements
• Blood pressure testing (before, during and after exercise)
• Resting & Exercise 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Evaluation of fitness - Brucel protocol (graduated ramped exercise on motorised treadmill)
• PC based Spirometric lung function test
• Comprehensive blood biochemical analysis (fasting required); 
 -full blood count (anaemia, leukaemias, etc), Total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides 
 -glucose (diabetes), uric acid (gout marker), gamma GT (liver function tests), creatinine & urea (kidney function), calcium & phosphate levels
 -sodium, potassium, hs C-reactive Protein (inflammation/infection/tumour marker), complete iron studies (anaemias, haemochromatosis), homocysteine, protein & albumin levels, etc
• Urine analysis (9 aspects eg presence of blood,glucose,white cells/infection)
• Faecal Occult blood test (stool test) - screening for bowel cancer for men over 45
• Analysis of the major heart disease risk factors contributing to heart disease incl. 5 year Heart Risk Assessment/Calculation
• Kidney Function Assessment to assist in the early diagnosis of renal impairment
• Prostate examination for men over 45
• PSA (prostate blood test) for men over 40
• Preliminary same day verbal and three page report on results (plus interim copies of available blood test results)
• All test results are summarised in a computer generated 20-page report (emailed only) that includes the doctor’s general advice and individual comments with recommended lifestyle changes/further investigations or treatment plan.
• Ongoing access to same doctor for advice/further consultation/general practice needs such as travel vaccines, minor surgical procedures.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at additional cost
• Chest X-ray
• Bone Density Scan (Advanced booking required) 
• Additional blood tests can be arranged, eg Hepatitis, HIV, Genetic testing/markers etc
• Consultation with GP for Weight Management (Medicare rebate applies)
• Quality General Practitioners are available 7 days a week.(Medicare rebates applies)
• If indicated further investigations such as CT Heart Scans, CT Angiography can be organised at a later date at SAN Radiology.
• If needed specialist appointments can be arranged with a priority

If you require a MEDICAL, PRE EMPLOYMENT or INSURANCE ASSESSMENT we are happy to adapt our EXEC CHECK to suit your requirements.

To make your appointment or for further information please phone @@color(red):9487 9700@@ or [[Email|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]] us.

Next link [[Executive Health Check for Women..]]

Our @@color(red):EXEC CHECK@@ for women is our “top of the line” full medical 
check-up with a comprehensive fitness and lifestyle assessment, all up taking approx. 2 hours

It includes:
• Complete and thorough physical examination and consultation with a medical practitioner
• Personal health history incorporating completed questionnaire
• Height & weight measurements and BMI calculations plus waist and hip measurements/ratio
• Electronic body fat measurements
• Blood pressure testing (before, during and after exercise)
• Resting & Exercise 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Evaluation of fitness - Brucel protocol (graduated ramped exercise on motorised treadmill)
• PC based Spirometric lung function test
• Comprehensive blood biochemical analysis (fasting required); 
 -full blood count (anaemia, leukaemias, etc), Total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides (ugly) 
 -glucose (diabetes), uric acid (gout marker), gamma GT (liver function tests), creatinine & urea (kidney function), calcium & phosphate levels
 -sodium, potassium, hs C-reactive Protein (inflammation/infection/tumour marker), complete iron studies (anaemias, haemochromatosis), homocysteine, protein & albumin levels, etc
• Urine analysis (9 aspects eg presence of blood,glucose,white cells/infection)
• Faecal Occult blood test (stool test) - screening for bowel cancer for women over 45
• Analysis of the major heart disease risk factors contributing to heart disease incl. 5 year Heart Risk Assessment/Calculation
• Kidney Function Assessment to assist in the early diagnosis of renal impairment
• Breast checks and Mammograms (free for 50-69yo at Breast Screen NSW at FVMC) arranged with 4 weeks prior notice
• PAP test if indicated (free service for procedure, extra cost for pathology/testing) 
• Preliminary same day verbal and two page report on results (plus interim copies of available blood test results)
• All test results are summarised in a computer generated 20-page report (emailed only) that includes the doctor’s general advice and individual comments with recommended lifestyle changes/further investigations or treatment plan.
• Ongoing access to same doctor for advice/further consultation/general practice needs such as travel vaccines, minor surgical procedures.

OPTIONAL EXTRAS at additional cost
• Chest X-ray
• Bone Density Scan (Advanced booking required) 
• Additional blood tests can be arranged, eg Hepatitis, HIV, Genetic testing/markers etc
• Consultation with GP for Weight Management (Medicare rebate applies)
• Quality General Practitioners are available 7 days a week.(Medicare rebates applies)
• If indicated further investigations such as CT Heart Scans, CT Angiography can be organised at a later date at SAN Radiology.
• If needed specialist appointments can be arranged with a priority

If you require a MEDICAL, PRE EMPLOYMENT or INSURANCE ASSESSMENT we are happy to adapt our EXEC CHECK to suit your requirements.

To make your appointment or for further information please phone @@color(red):9487 9700@@ or [[Email|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]] us.

Next link [[Requirements for Health Checks......]]

@@color(blue):Exec Health Checks at FVMC@@ offers patients the facility to have a GP/physician-referred Medicare - rebateable Exercise Stress ECG performed.

@@color(red):Please bring along a change of clothes eg shorts, T-shirt and sports shoes, in which to do the treadmill test.@@ A medium sized towel would also be handy. Shower facilities are available.

This test is usually used to assess the cause/origin of chest pain/discomfort and whether it is cardiac in origin. It also provides a check as to the patients ability to attempt vigorous exercise safely eg trek the Kokoda Track. It can also be a prerequisite for many jobs especially after the age of 40 eg commercial pilots licence, racing car driver or train driver. (this last indication, generally not Medicare-rebateable). It is also a good tool used to assess the non-symptomatic at-risk vascular patient eg 50 year old with strong family history of heart disease. It is also indicated in those with palpitations, loss of stamina, those wishing to commence a vigorous exercise regime over 40 years of age, unexplained shortness of breath esp with exertion and patients with vague/hard to explain symptoms who have one or more risk factors for vascular disease.

The test is performed on a motorised treadmill using the "Bruce Protocol" whereby a gradient is increased every 3 minutes by 2% (starting at 10%), whilst speed goes from a slow walk(2.7km/h) to a jog at 12 minutes (8km/h). Most patients complete the test in 9-12 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of monitored recovery/cool down (seated). Blood Pressure & Heart ECG are monitored throughout the test. A doctor and cardiac-trained Registered Nurse (plus resuscitation equipment) are present throughout.

A report is prepared along with copies of the ECG provided immediately for either the patient to return to their referring physician or immediately mailed/faxed to same. An abnormal result is directly communicated to the referring doctor.

A referral is required from your physician/GP in order to claim a Medicare rebate of approx. $188. Current out of pocket/gap cost is approx $91.(total cost of $279 payment is expected on day of service). The cost to Pensioner Concession Cardholders is discounted, while Goldcard Veteran cardholders sign the DVA assignment form.


@@color(red):The Stress Test@@
The law supports your right to know what to expect in any medical procedure and any associated risks. Your doctor has referred you for a Exercise Stress Test/Exercise ECG otherwise commonly called a “Stress Test”. This is a frequently used cardiac diagnostic test to assess how the heart performs during exercise, which can assist in determining a wide range of heart conditions. It records the heart's electrical activity (rate and rhythm) during exercise, producing a graph. A healthy person's heart electrical activity has a particular pattern, and our Doctor's can identify changes in that pattern which MAY indicate there is a problem with your heart.

It involves a preliminary resting Electrocardiograph (ECG) followed by walking exercise on a treadmill with continuous ECG, heart rate and blood pressure monitoring. The treadmill begins at a very slow speed (2.7km/h) and every three minutes our Doctor will increase the speed and slope of the treadmill, as if you are walking uphill. The doctor will look for changes in electrical activity patterns, blood pressure levels and any symptoms you may be experiencing. Be assured you will be continuously monitored by our experience Doctor and Nurse.

@@color(red):How Is It Done?@@
You will usually be on the treadmill for a maximum of 9 to 12 minutes or until you reach 90-100% of your maximal heart rate (determined by your age, gender and weight). The test will be stopped if you become too tired or have any symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath or if the Doctor feels it is appropriate. It is important that you mention any discomfort you may experience, especially chest pain/tightness/discomfort (however minor), arm, neck or jaw ache, breathlessness or lightheaded/dizziness.

Immediately after finishing on the treadmill a reading (ECG) is taken without movement. Finally there is a cool-down phase while you sit while your heart returns to its resting heart rate. This will last approx 4-5 minutes. The total test duration including preparation and removal of equipment is approx. 30 minutes.

@@color(red):How Will I Feel?@@
Your legs may feel unsteady momentarily on stepping off the treadmill. A very small number of people briefly feel lightheaded or dizzy. You will probably sweat, perhaps profusely, as you would after any vigorous exercise. You may have joint or muscle soreness depending on any predisposing problem just as you would expect from any physical activity.

@@color(red):Are There Any Risks?@@
Please follow instructions and keep us informed about how you feel and what you would like to do. 

Very occasionally an abnormal rise in blood pressure or a potentially serious disturbance/rhythm may occur and results in us stopping the test.

Serious complications are extremely rare. There is a theoretical risk of cardiac arrest (1 in 10,000 chance) or heart attack (myocardial infarction, 1 in 2500 chance) as in any predisposed person who indulges in strenuous exercise.

If the test reveals you are at very high risk, especially if your Resting ECG indicates recent heart damage, we may decline to test you and organise immediate referral to a Cardiologist.

If the test reveals your condition is serious, you may need direct admission/transportation to hospital via Ambulance immediately following the test (very rare).

@@color(red):Who Conducts the Test?@@
The technicians are fully qualified nursing sisters trained in this particular procedure and with cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Emergency equipment is immediately at hand. A medical practitioner is present in the room and a medical resuscitation team is always available in the adjacent hospital building (Accident & Emergency Dept).

Having read this information, if you wish to proceed with stress testing you will be asked to sign a consent form prior to commencing the test. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Fox Valley Medical Centre on 02 9487 9700 or [[email me|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]]

@@color(red):Please bring along a change of clothes eg shorts, T-shirt and sports shoes, in which to do the treadmill test.@@ A medium sized towel would also be handy. Shower facilities are available.

Next link [[Testimonials...........]]
[[Welcome Clients]] [[Executive Health Check for Men]] [[Executive Health Check for Women..]] [[Cost of Assessments]] [[Requirements for Health Checks......]] [[GP-referred Exercise ECG Testing]] [[Testimonials...........]] [[CT Heart Scan/CT Angiogram]]  [[Contact Us]] [[No Intelliheart available]]  [[Dr John Trani]]
© [[Dr John Trani|http://www.trani.com.au/ehc_website_001.htm]] 2009
[[our GOOGLE Map|http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=executive+health+checks,+wahroonga,+nsw&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=36.677578,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=-33.712917,151.099777&spn=0.0634,0.109863&z=13&iwloc=A]]
Due to technical and other issues the Intelliheart Cardiovascular Assessment (formerly used at IM Medical Centre for Health) is no longer available as part of any Health Assessment. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Blood tests are performed on arrival by our highly qualified nurse (Trish). For accurate results clients are asked to fast overnight (at least 8 hours). Water only is allowed and we encourage you to consume at least 500mls that morning (more if your appointment is midday or 2pm). Those with 2pm appt can have a light breakfast prior to 7am, and lots of water throughout the day. No caffeine drinks and please refrain from smoking for 2 hours prior to appt. For those worried about not eating we do serve light refreshments after your blood tests and also after exercising. Insulin-dependent diabetics are asked to book an 8am appt and have their insulin after the blood test.
To complete the Exercise ECG/treadmill part of the Health Check, you must be able to walk unaided.

We ask you to provide us with an email address at the time of booking your appointment. This is in order to send you your information pack, which is sent exactly 3 weeks before your scheduled Health Check appointment. Email is preferred but if not available fax number will suffice.
The email will contain an 11 page questionaire (for completion prior to your appointment & brought with you), further information on other tests available, a map and cancellation fees policy. A free Adobe Reader is required to read this information.

Next link [[GP-referred Exercise ECG Testing]]
at Sydney Adventist Hospital's Fox Valley Medical Centre. The largest Private Hospital in Sydney. Executive (Corporate) and Personal Health Assessments, Medical Checks, Insurance Medicals & Fitness Assessment plus Weight Loss, Stress Management & Quit Smoking Clinics. CT Heart Scans/ Calcium Scoring/CT Coronary Angiography, Full Cardiovascular Assessments, Annual Health Checkups, Physicals, Exercise ECG Stress Testing/Treadmill, Cardiac & Kidney Risk Calculation.Executive Health Checks are only performed in Sydney and are NOT available in Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Newcastle, Wollongong.
Dr John Trani & Executive Health Checks
//Health Assessment Clients//

A fit, healthy 65 year old gentleman attended Executive Health Checks for his annual health assessment. He plays squash 3 times per week, eats a healthy diet and has no risk factors for heart disease, however, at his assessment his stress/exercise ECG was positive and he was sent to a cardiologist who found him to be ‘a heart attack waiting to happen’. He was admitted to hospital for urgent angiography and stenting of 3 coronary arteries.

A 30 year old man presented for a health assessment. He mentioned he had recently been having strange feelings which were leading to severe work and home problems. The doctor discussed this with him and, as he did not have a GP, referred him to a GP who treated him successfully for early schizophrenia.

A 50 year old man presented for a health assessment and was found to be microscopically bleeding from his bowel (positive stool haemoccult test). He was referred for a colonoscopy which revealed precancerous changes to his colon. These were effectively treated.

Mr A.R, a 60 yo man, presented for his first Health Assessment in "good health". Physical examination indicated an enlarged and slightly irregular prostate gland, and his PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test was a little elevated. He was referred to a Urologist, where subsequent testing revealed prostate cancer. He was advised the best treatment was complete removal of the prostate gland (radical prostatectomy), which provided a complete cure, with no chance it would recur.

Mr O attended for a Health Assessment and was found to have Haemachromatosis (excessive iron levels) and was referred to a specialist for ongoing treatment before any damage had been done.
A 57 year old woman had a Health Assessment in which a PAP test was performed as it was overdue by 2 years. She was found to have cancerous cervical cells. He was referred to a Specialist and has since undergone successful surgery and treatment for cervical cancer. Both the Patient and her Specialist attribute her survival to early diagnosis at the Executive Health Checks.

Note: While the information contained in these case studies is correct, all names have been altered to maintain client confidentiality. There is no connection between names or short forms used on this page and names of actual clients. 

Next link [[CT Heart Scan/CT Angiogram]]


Welcome to the website of Dr John Trani, the principal physician/medical doctor at Sydney Adventist Hospitals' Health Assessment Unit at Fox Valley Medical Centre (formerly SAN Centre for Health). 

Use the Main Menu to the Left for opening up all the information available in our Website eg start by clicking on [[Welcome Clients]], then working your way down the Menu. Please note the Intelliheart CV Assessment is no longer being performed.

For cost of procedures/assessments please visit the home page of our website [[www.ehc.org.au|http://www.ehc.org.au]]

"Executive Health Checks at FVMC" is situated in Wahroonga NSW AUSTRALIA adjacent to The Sydney Adventist Hospital, the largest Private Hospital in Sydney. Executive and Personal Health Checks/Assessments, Medical Checkups, Insurance Medicals, Fitness Assessment plus Weight Loss, Stress Management & Quit Smoking Clinics. CT Heart Scans, Calcium Scoring, CT Angiography, Full Cardiovascular Assessments, Careplans, Annual Health Checkups, Physicals, Exercise ECG Stress Testing/Treadmill, Family Doctors (GP's) and hundreds of Specialists. 

Next link [[Welcome Clients]]

Executive Health Checks at Fox Valley Medical Centre
187 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Phn +61 2 9487 9700
Fax +61 2 9487 9733 [[Email|mailto:info@ehc.org.au]]
www.ehc.org.au [[Dr John Trani|http://www.ehc.org.au]]

Services available:-
Executive Health Checks, Full Professional Health Checks, Life Insurance Assessments, Private/Personal Health Checkups (No referrals needed), Exercise Stress/Treadmill Testing (referred by GP), Cardiovascular Assessments (incl CT Heart Scan/Calcium Scoring/CT Angiography), Fitness Assessment plus Lung, Blood Pathology Assessments, urinanalysis, occult blood stool testing (bowel cancer screening test). 
Additional testing such as Chest Xray, CT Heart Scanning, Mammograms, PAP Tests, Bone Density Scan and extra Blood tests such as Hepatitis screening, Thyroid function are available, on prior request.

Dr John Trani can be emailed on [[Dr John Trani|mailto:health@trani.com.au]] 
Executive Health Checks at [[EHC at FVMC| mailto:info@ehc.org.au]]

Executive Health Checks at FVMC (formerly SAN Centre for Health) has been in continuous operation at The Sydney Adventist Hospital, Wahroonga since 1977. In fact, the longest continuous Health Assessment Centre in Australia. Our thanks to Dr Bill Johnson (retired) for 20+ years of service and commitment to preventative medicine at our Centre.
It has prided itself on having the longest retention of medical records of any organisation in Australia. If you have had a Health Assessment with us in the past 30 years, WE WILL have your medical records.

Next link [[Executive Health Check for Men]]